What fires you up?

We want to know. Tell us what’s on your mind, and we will share your burning questions here and invite our professors and students to weigh in.

Submit Your Question

You asked. What should we answer?

Find out what’s weighing on the minds of your peers and click the questions that get you thinking.
Our professors and students will offer insight on the inquiries with the most interest.

Will animals ever stop being tested on for various makeup products?
Why do we glorify and obsess over people like the Kardashians, whose fame was gained though unethical means?
Why do we glorify and obsess over people like the Kardashians, whose fame was gained though unethical means?
Do you think not standing but instead kneeling for the national anthem is disrespecting the flag and veterans?
Was America ever the best country in the world?
How did men become the dominant sex all those years ago?
Would a decrease in anti-union sentiment make our economy better?
How did men become the dominant sex all those years ago?
Why are so many Americans apathetic about politics?

Submit Your Burning Question